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the time when mean A is decreasing most rapidly and abrupt
decreases occur most frequently, a result that is revisited in
the next section.
Dependence on b is illustrated by considering values b = 1 ´
10 -12 W m - 4 and 3 ´ 10 -12 W m - 4 , in addition to the CCSM3
value of 2 ´ 10 -12 W m - 4 . To facilitate comparison, F is ad-
justed in the non-CCSM3 cases so that, in the absence of
OHT fluctuations, the transition from finite A to A = 0 (with
or without hysteresis) occurs near year 2040 as in the default
case. These values are F = 2.55 m in the low- b case, which
lies well within the single-equilibrium regime I in Figure 11,
and F = 3.8 m in the high- b case, which lies well within the
multiple-equilibrium regime II.
With s 0 = 0.6 W m -2 , the CCSM3 default, it is seen in the
top row of Plate 1 that the probability and timing of abrupt
transitions is comparable for all three values of b , even though
the decrease in mean A occurs somewhat more rapidly for
higher b than for lower b . Thus, it appears that in this instance
the primary influence governing abrupt transitions is the rel-
atively large OHT fluctuations, together with the increased
sensitivity of A to changes in H as the transition to A e = 0 is
approached, as discussed in section 3.3 and illustrated in Fig-
ure 10. However, for reduced OHT variability as simulated
using lesser values of s 0 (second and third rows of Plate 1),
the frequency of abrupt transitions becomes much more sen-
sitive to b . For example, for s 0 = 0.15 W m -2 , 4 times smaller
than the value characterizing CCSM3, abrupt transitions are
entirely absent for b = 1 ´ 10 -12 W m -4 , whereas for b = 3 ´
10 -12 W m -4 , p abrupt exceeds 0.4 near year 2040. Not surpris-
ingly, as s 0 decreases, the range of times over which abrupt
decreases occur becomes increasingly narrow. Also of note
is the even greater sensitivity to s 0 of the abrupt increases,
which have become very infrequent even for s 0 = 0.3 W m -2 .
Finally, the bottom row of panels, for which s 0 = 0, shows
that in our simple model some OHT variability is essential
for abrupt decreases to occur for the parameters considered.
(For the case b = 3 ´ 10 -12 W m -4 , however, the abrupt de-
crease threshold is nearly met, so that for slightly larger b an
abrupt decrease would occur near 2040.)
3.4.2. Vacillation between equilibria in a warmer control
climate. In a nonlinear system having multiple equilibria
that is forced stochastically, fluctuations in forcing can po-
tentially trigger transitions between stable equilibria, even
when the ensemble mean forcing is stationary. This phe-
nomenon has been discussed in the context of simple mod-
els of oceanic thermohaline circulation, e.g., by Monahan
[2002a, 2002b], and in the sea ice context by Flato and
Brown [1996]. In the present context, one might consider
a situation in which warming has stabilized at some future
date, and climate, though warmer than at present, is station-
ary. Such a situation can be represented by assigning a fixed
value ensemble mean in equation (4).
Figure 14 illustrates such a scenario with constant =
8 W m -2 with other parameters, including the standard devia-
tion s 0 = 0.6 W m -2 of the stochastic component of forcing,
set to their CCSM3 default values. This value for is real-
ized in CCSM3 at around 2030 (Figure 4a) and lies within
the range of H for which multiple equilibria are present (Fig-
ure 9b). In the 200-year time series shown in Figure 14a,
A n appears to vacillate between very small or zero values
and somewhat larger values in the range 2 ´ 10 6 km 2 ~  A n ~
4 ´ 10 6 km 2 . This impression is borne out by the probability
density for A n , computed from a 10 4 -year time series, which
is clearly bimodal (Figure 14b).
Such bimodality persists when and s 0 are varied some-
what about the values assigned in Figure 14. With fixed,
for example, the value of A n at which the upper lobe of p ( A n )
peaks increases as s 0 increases, exceeding 5 ´ 10 6 km 2 for
s 0 = 3 W m -2 . Conversely, when s 0 is reduced at constant
, the value of A n characterizing the peak of the upper lobe
of p ( A n ) decreases toward the A n equilibrium value of about
2 ´ 10 6 km 2 . If s 0 = 0.6 W m -2 is fixed instead, this bimodal-
ity persists for in the range 6.3 W m -2 ~  ~  8.8 W m -2 ,
Figure 14. (a) A 200-year time series of A n for CCSM3 parameter values and fixed ¯ = 8 W m -2 characterizing CCSM3
climate near 2030. (b) Probability density of A n for a 10 4 -year continuation of this time series.
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