Information Technology Reference
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4. As the models approach completion, they
enable the development of software and
1. In an iterative development, software is built and
delivered to the customer in iterations—each
iteration delivering a working software system that
is generally an increment to the previous delivery.
2. With iterative development, the release cycle
becomes shorter, which reduces some risks
associated with the “big bang” approach.
3. Requirements need not be completely understood
and specified at the start of the project—they can
evolve over time and can be incorporated in the
system in any iteration.
4. It is hard to preserve the simplicity and integrity of
the architecture and the design.
Agile Soft-
1. Agile software development processes are
built on the foundation of iterative
development. To that foundation they add a
lighter, more people-centric viewpoint than
traditional approaches.
2. Agile processes use feedback, rather than
planning, as their primary control mechanism.
1. The Unified Process is not simply a process but an
extensible framework, which should be customized
for specific organizations or projects.
2. The Unified Process is an iterative and incremental
development process. Each iteration results in an
increment, which is a release of the system that
contains added or improved functionality compared
with the previous release. Although most iteration
will include work in most process disciplines (e.g.,
Requirements, Design, Implementation, and
Testing), the relative effort and emphasis will
change over the course of the project.
3. The Elaboration, Construction, and Transition
phases are divided into a series of time-boxed
iterations. (The Inception phase may also be divided
into iterations for a large project.)
( Continued )
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