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Factor A Sum of Squares (SS A )
DF = a 1
Factor B Sum of Squares (SS B )
DF = b 1
Total Sum of Squares SS T
DF = abn 1
Interaction AB Sum of Squares (SS AB )
DF = (a 1)(b 1)
Error Sum of Squares (SS E )
DF = ab(n 1)
ANOVA variation decomposition.
Test for Main Effect of Factor A
H 0 : No difference among the a mean levels of factor A (
µ A 1 = µ A 2 = ... =
µ Aa )
H a : At least two factor A mean levels differ
Test for Main Effect of Factor B
H 0 : No difference among the a mean levels of factor B (
µ B 1 = µ B 2 = ... =
µ Ba )
H a : At least two factor B mean levels differ
Test for Main Effect of Factor A
Factor B Interaction
H 0 : Factor A and factor B do not interact in the response mean
H a : Factor A and factor B interact in the response mean
TABLE 18.A.1
Degree of Freedom for Two Factor Factorial Design
Degree of Freedom
AB interaction
ab(n - 1)
abn - 1
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