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McCabe's cyclomatic number, Henry-Kafura Information Flow, and Halstead's
Software Science are different complexity measures that can be used in axiom 2
applications. These were discussed in Chapter 5.
Altshuller G.S. (1988), Creativity as Exact Science , Gordon & Breach, New York, NY.
Altshuller, G.S. (1990), “On the Theory of Solving Inventive Problems,” Design Methods and
Theories , Volume 24 , #2, pp. 1216-1222.
Arciszewsky, T. (1988), “ARIZ 77: An Innovative Design Method,” Design Methods and
Theories , Volume 22 , #2, pp. 796-820.
Booch, G. (1994), Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications , 2nd Ed., The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, San Francisco, CA.
Cox, B.J. (1986), Object-Oriented Programming , Addison Wesley, Reading, MA.
DeMarco, T. (1979), Structural Analysis and System Specification , Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
Do, S.H. (1997), “Application of Design Axioms to the Design for Manufacturability for the
Television Glass Bulb,” Ph.D Dissertation, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
Do, S.H. and Park (1996),
Do, S.H. and Suh, N.P. (2000), “Object Oriented Software Design with Axiomatic Design,”
Proceedings of the ICAD, p. 27.
El-Haik, Basem S. (1999), “The Integration of Axiomatic Design in the Engineering Design
Process,” 11th Annual RMSL Workshop, May.
El-Haik, Basem S.. (2005), Axiomatic Quality & Reliability: Integrating Principles of Design.
Six Sigma. Reliability, and Quality Engineering , John Wiley & Sons, New York.
El-Haik, Basem S. and Mekki, K.S. (2008), Medical Device Design For Six Sigma. A Road
Map for Safety and Effectiveness , Wiley-Interscience, New York.
El-Haik, Basem S. and Roy, D. (2005), Service Design for Six Sigma , John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Hintersteiner, J. and Nain, A. (2000), “Integrating Software into Systems: An Axiomatic
Design Approach,” Proceeding of the ICAD, Apr.
Kim, S.J., Suh, N.P., and Kim, S.-K. (1991), “Design of software systems based on axiomatic
design.” Annals of the CIRP , Volume 40 ,#1[also Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manu-
facturing , Volume 3 , pp. 149-162, 1992].
Nordlund, M., Tate, D. and Suh, N.P. (1996), “ Growth of Axiomatic Design Through Industrial
Practice ,” 3rd CIRP Workshop on Design and Implementation of Intelligent Manufacturing
Systems, June 19-21, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 77-84.
Pressman, R.S. (1997), Software Engineering. A Practioner's Approach , 4th Ed., McGraw
Hill, New York.
Pugh, S. (1991), Total Design: Integrated Methods for successful Product Engineering ,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Pugh, S. (1996), Creating Innovative Products Using Total Design , edited by Clausing, D. and
Andrade, R., Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
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