Information Technology Reference
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Parent Level DP
Leaf Level DP
( DATA St ructure)
Design Matrix [A]
Data Structure
(a) Full-Design Matrix Table
(b) Class Diagram
The correspondence between the full design matrix and the OOT diagram.
The sequence of software development begins at the lowest level, which is defined
as the leaves. To achieve the highest level FRs, which are the final outputs of the
software, the development of the system must begin from the inner most modules
shown in the flow diagram that represent the lowest level leaves then move to the next
higher level modules (i.e., next inner most box), following the sequence indicated by
the system architecture (i.e., go from the inner most boxes to the outer most boxes).
In short, the software system can be developed in the following sequence:
1. Construct the core functions using all diagonal elements of the design matrix.
2. Make a module for each leaf FR, following the sequence given in the flow
diagram that represents the system architecture.
3. Combine the modules to generate the software system, following the module
junction diagram.
When this procedure is followed, the software developer can reduce the coding
time because the logical process reduces the software construction into a routine
Example: Simple Drawing Program
In the preceding section, the basic concept for designing software based on ADo-oSS
was presented. In this section, a case study involving the simple drawing software
design based on ADo-oSS will be presented.
a. Define FRs of the software system: Let us assume the customer attributes as
We need software to draw a line or a rectangle or a circle at a time.
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