Information Technology Reference
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FIGURE 10.10
System design architecture.
consisting of the time line, deliverable(s) at each milestone, and final buy-off plan
were prepared.
Eight to ten personnel at a time were working on average eight-man weeks.
During each phase, for different tasks, different personnel with subject experts were
involved to take advantage of acquired technical skills in order to improve quality and
reliability. The bigger challenge was to apply PSP and TSP with personnel involved
during various phases as well as personnel involved on the supplier sides.
DFSS Optimize Phase— As shown in Figure 10.10, System Design Architecture, the
area with the light gray background was decided as part of the scope of this example
project. During the design phase, various possible hybrid vehicle architectures were
discussed with their trade-offs keeping in mind the difficulty to implement the above-
mentioned architecture, cost, current technology, and future availability of various
hardware components and sensor(s) among the cross-functional teams for a given
organizational direction.
Concerns related to safety and reliability also were raised by various team leaders
within the organization of this architecture as well as concerns regarding the maturity
of the technology. And hence, safety and reliability requirements were discussed at
length, while dealing with alternative energy sources and the hazard they posed in
order to provide propulsion power to the vehicle.
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