Information Technology Reference
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Global Data Complexity Metric: Quantifies the cyclomatic complexity of a
module's structure as it relates to global/parameter data. It can be no less than
one and no more than the cyclomatic complexity of the original flow graph.
McCabe Data-Related Software Metrics
Data Complexity Metric: Quantifies the complexity of a module's structure
as it relates to data-related variables. It is the number of independent paths
through data logic and, therefore, a measure of the testing effort with respect to
data-related variables.
Tested Data Complexity Metric: Quantifies the complexity of a module's struc-
ture as it relates to data-related variables. It is the number of independent paths
through data logic that have been tested.
Data Reference Metric: Measures references to data-related variables indepen-
dently of control flow. It is the total number of times that data-related variables
are used in a module.
Tested Data Reference Metric: The total number of tested references to data-
related variables.
Maintenance Severity Metric: Measures how difficult it is to maintain a module.
Data Reference Severity Metric: Measures the level of data intensity within
a module. It is an indicator of high levels of data-related code; there-
fore, a module is data intense if it contains a large number of data-related
Data Complexity Severity Metric: Measures the level of data density within a
module. It is an indicator of high levels of data logic in test paths; therefore, a
module is data dense if it contains data-related variables in a large proportion
of its structures.
Global Data Severity Metric: Measures the potential impact of testing data-
related basis paths across modules. It is based on global data test paths.
McCabe Object-Oriented Software Metrics for ENCAPSULATION
Percent Public Data (PCTPUB). PCTPUB is the percentage of PUBLIC and
PROTECTED data within a class.
Access to Public Data (PUBDATA). PUBDATA indicates the number of ac-
cesses to PUBLIC and PROTECTED data.
McCabe Object-Oriented Software Metrics for POLYMORPHISM
Percent of Un-overloaded Calls (PCTCALL). PCTCALL is the number of
non-overloaded calls in a system.
Number of Roots (ROOTCNT). ROOTCNT is the total number of class hier-
archy roots within a program.
Fan-in (FANIN). FANIN is the number of classes from which a class is
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