Biomedical Engineering Reference
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K rec = 0.1906 r b 2 LQ r w G ( w f )
d - 3 - 1
D 0 d
2L 3
K tri =
1 +4 b 3
G( w f ) = imaginary part of
hydrodynamic function
k rec = rectangular cantilever force constant
k tri = trianguar cantilever force constant
4L 3
= density of the medium
Q r = Quality factor at resonance
b 2
w f = Resonant frequency
4L 2
Fig. 2.33. Equations for calculating force constants of rectangular and triangular cantilevers with the
Sader method [66].
cantilevers (see, for example references [60-65]). The most commonly used method used
for to calculate the normal force constant is the known as the Sader method [66-68]. In this
method, the physical geometry of the cantilever is measured, typically with an optical
microscope and the quality factor, Q , is measured. The quality factor is of the cantilever is
essentially a measure of the bandwidth of the oscillation compared to the exciting
frequency), and is simple to measure with the AFM. With the physical measurements,
and the Q of the cantilever, Equations 2.11 and 2.12 can be used to calculate the spring
constant, see Figure 2.33. This method has been later extended to the calculation of k tor ,
the torsional constant [61], as well as to cantilevers of arbitrary geometry [69].
Several other methods for cantilever calibration are also widely used. The added mass
method, first described by Cleveland [70], takes advantage of the change in frequency of a
lever when a mass is added to the end. Essentially, the method consists of physically
adding a small well characterized particle to a probe tip, for example a tungsten or polymer
microsphere. This method is at least as accurate as the Sader method [63, 71], and does not
require measurement of cantilever dimensions, but although described as non-destructive,
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