Global Positioning System Reference
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retrieves a list of map <key, columns> or <key, super columns> for specifi c
columns' names or super columns' names in a column family on each of the
given keys; get_range_slices : returns a list of map <key, columns> or <key,
super columns> within the range of keys in a column family; insert: inserts
a column in a column family or a super column family; batch_mutate :
inserts or removes the rows, the super columns or the columns from the
row specifi ed by keys; and remove : removes data from the row specifi ed
by a key in a column family or a super column family. The data could be
an entire row, a super column or a column.
However, these operations could not support the operation of retrieving
rows given two or more restrictions. For instance, in Table 6, we could not
retrieve the result that satisfi es “” and “uid= u 1
using only one operation from the basic operations provided by HBase
or Cassandra. Although we could retrieve rows by scanning all rows and
post-fi lter unqualifi ed data to get the result, it is time-consuming.
Multi-dimensional Index
Due to the high scalability of cloud data managements, there have been
more and more works for constructing indexes on cloud data managements
recently. The B-tree is a commonly used index structure. The work in (Wu et
al. 2010) presented a scalable B-tree based indexing scheme which builds a
local B-tree for the dataset stored in each compute node and a Cloud Global
index, called the CG-index, to index each compute node. However, the B-tree
index can not support multi-dimensional queries effectively. Besides, much
of the work on R-tree index structures for multi-dimensional data had been
done, such as (Wang et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2009; Liao et al. 2010). Wang et al.
(Wang et al. 2010) present RT-CAN, a multi-dimensional indexing scheme.
RT-CAN is built on top of local R-tree indexes and it dynamically selects a
portion of local R-tree nodes to publish onto the global index. Although it
uses R-tree indexing, it builds the R-tree on the authors' own distributed
system epiC. The work (Zhang et al. 2009) combined R-tree and k-d tree
to be the index structures and the work in (Liao et al. 2010) presented an
approach to construct a block-based hierarchical R-tree index structures.
These works all build an index structure on the Hadoop distributed fi le
system or Google's fi le system to support multi-dimensional queries.
MD-HBase (Nishimura et al. 2011; Nishimura et al. 2013) is a data
management system, based on HBase, using Quad trees and k-d trees
coupled with Z-ordering to index multi-dimensional data for LBSs. The
keys of MD-HBase are the Z-values of the dimensions being indexed. It uses
the trie-based approach for splitting equal-sized space, and builds Quad
tree and k-d tree index structures on the key-value data model. Moreover,
MD-HBase proposed a novel naming scheme, called longest common
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