Global Positioning System Reference
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algorithm stores its records in a directory that will be processed in a future
base partition round (lines 4 to 7). Likewise, the records of a window-pair
partition are stored in a directory that will be processed in a future window-
pair partition round (lines 8 to 12). In the latter case, the last part of the
directory name includes the indices of the two pivots associated with the
window-pair partition. These values will be used in the algorithms of the
window-pair rounds. In the scenario represented in Fig. 5, the MapReduce
framework calls the Reduce_base function for each partition of Fig. 6b: P 0,
P 1 and P 0_ P 1.
Window-pair Partition Round
A window-pair partition round processes a window-pair partition
generated by a base round or any partition generated by a window-pair
round. Similarly to base partition rounds, window-pair partition rounds
generate result links and intermediate data. However, the links generated are
window links, i.e., links between records of different previous partitions. A
window-pair round uses the functions Map_windowPair , Reduce_windowPair ,
Partition_windowPair and Compare_windowPair in a similar way their
counterparts are used in a base partition round. This section explains these
functions highlighting the differences.
Map_windowPair , the map function for the window-pair partition
rounds, is presented in Algorithm 6. In this case, the format of the input key-
value pair, i.e., k 1 , v 1, is: k 1 = id, v 1 = ( id, elem, prevPart ), and the format of the
intermediate key-value pairs, i.e., k 2 , v 2, is: k 2=( part , win , prevPart ), v 2=( id ,
elem , part , prevPart ). The function is similar to Map_base . The difference is
in the format of the intermediate records. Map_windowPair outputs one
Algorithm 6: Map_windowPair ()
Input: ( k 1 , v 1). k 1 = id, v 1 = ( id, elem, prevPart )
Output: list( k 2 , v 2). k 2 = ( part,win, prevPart ), v 2 = ( id, elem, part,
prevPart )
1 : p ← GetClosestPivotIndex ( elem, pivots )
2 : output (( p,− 1 ,− 1) , ( id, elem,− 1 , prevPart ))
3 : for i = 0 → numPiv − 1 do
4 : if i ≠p then
5 : if ( dist ( elem, pivots [ i ]) −dist ( elem, pivots [ p ])) / 2 ≤ eps then
6 : output (( p, i, prevPart ) , ( id, elem, p, prevPart ))
7 : end if
8 : end if
9 : end for
prevPart )
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