Global Positioning System Reference
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set of boys and a set of girls, respectively. A candidate set of pairs defi nes a
possible set of marriages (when polygamy is not allowed) (Galil 1986).
Defi nition 11: Let m 1 , m 2 be the names of two geographic classes as in the
previous defi nition, such that h w k . The tuple similarity of m 1 , m 2 , indicated
as, tSim ( m 1 , m 2 ) is defi ned as follows:
ݐܵ݅݉ሺ݉ ǡ݉ ሻൌ
ሺ௔ǡ௕ሻא஻ (7)
where ics is the information content similarity, P ( m 1 , m 2 ) is the set of
candidate sets of pairs of m 1 , m 2 , and V( m 1 , a ), V( m 2 , b ) are the types associated
with a, b in the classes m 1 , m 2 , respectively.
Example 9: Let us consider the geographic classes Municipality ( k = 5) and
County ( h = 3). A possible set of pairs that maximizes the formula (7) is:
ܤאܲሺ݉ ǡ݉ σ
݅ܿݏሺܽǡܾሻכ݅ܿݏሺ߬ሺ݉ ǡܽሻǡ߬ሺ݉ ǡܾሻሻ
According to Defi nition 9, we have: ics ( inhabitant, population ) = ics ( area,
surface )=1
and the same holds for related types, i.e., ics ( string, string ) = ics ( integer,
integer )=1, whereas ics ( countryCode, countyID ) = 0.
Thus tSim ( Municipality, County ) = 5 = 0.4.
Note that two possible sets that maximizes the sum above each contains the
pair ( identity, countyID ) and ( councilHead, countyID ) in place of ( countryCode,
countyID ).
In fact ics ( identity, countyID ) = 0, ics ( councilHead, countyID ) = 0.
An important parameter in the similarity of geographic classes is
related to the similarity of their geometric components, as defi ned in the
Defi nition 12: Let G i and G j be sets of geometric types. The similarity of
geometric types, indicated as N Sim ( G i , G j ), is defi ned as below:
ߣܵ݅݉ሺܩ ǡܩ =1 if ܩ תܩ ്׎
ߣܵ݅݉ሺܩ ǡܩ =0 otherwise
For instance, in the case of geographic classes in Example 9, the sets of
geometric types of Municipality and County are { point, polygon } and { polygon },
respectively. Thus, N Sim ( Municipality, County )=1.
Defi nition 13: Let m 1 =< { a 1 : t 1 , ..., a k : t h }, G 1 >, h 1 and m 2 =< { b 1 : t 1 , ..., b k : t k },
G 2 >, k 1 be the names of two classes of the geographic knowledge base
K E = ( C, A, Cls ), H w be a weighted Part-of hierarchy, and a SynSet K = { S 1 , ...,
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