Global Positioning System Reference
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According to the variability approach, the weights are determined as
p v att
p v att + p v part
w att =
p v part
p v att + p v part
Whereas, according to the commonality approach, they are:
w part =
p c att
p c att + p c part
w att =
p c part
p c att + p c part
w part =
Example 7: In our running example, the number of geographic classes is
n = 7, in the case of parts m = 7, and in the case of attributes m = 13. Note that
the number of occurrences of attributes and parts are 25, and 9, respectively.
Thus, we have the following weights:
w att =0.470, w part =0.530
w att =0.599, w part =0.401
Let us consider Municipality, and County shown in Table 1. We assume
that S and T are the sets of attributes of Municipality and County , respectively.
Since, similar to Dice's function, the pairs of synonym attributes between
them are ( population , inhabitant ), ( area , surface ), we have:
T| =2
And the set difference are:
S-T ={ identity, councilHead,countryCode }
T-S ={ country ID }
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| S T | + 0.4| S - T | + 0.6 | T-S |
| S T | + 0.4| S - T | + 0.6 | T-S |
For parts we have:
S part ( Municipality, County ) = 0
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