Global Positioning System Reference
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member [Measures].[Growth] as '[Measures].[Births] - [Measures].[Deaths]'
{[Measures].[Growth], [Measures].[Population]}
on columns,
{[CRDivision].[Province].Members} on rows
from [Demographics]
where [Time].[2005]
Furthermore, calculated members can use the spatial functions, such
as area or distance, as shown in the following specifi cation for calculating
the distance of each province from the Alajuela province:
with member [Measures].[Distance] as
select {[Measures].[Population],[Measures].[Distance] } on columns,
{[CRDivision].[Province].Members} on rows
Additionally, using calculated members coordinates can also be
with member [Measures].[ProvinceCoordinates] as '([CRDivision].[Province].
select {[Measures].[Population], [Measures].[ ProvinceCoordinates]} on columns,
{[CRDivision].[Province].Members} on rows
from [Demographics]
where [Time].[2005]
The solution of using calculated measures “on the fl y” has a drawback,
since the calculation must be included in every query where this measure is
required. Instead, having a calculated measure as a part of the XML schema
allows users to access it as other measures of the cube.
SOLAP cube visualization
MDX is not a full report-formatting language and requires some APIs to
present results and to hide its complexity from non-expert users. Currently,
JPivot is provided together with Mondrian serving as an OLAP client.
Other APIs can also be used, e.g., STPivot, JPalo, JasperSoft, or Saiku.
These kinds of client tools provide a graphical interface for selecting data
based on hierarchies and measures of interest and include different OLAP
functionalities, e.g., drill-down, roll-up, pivot, delivering the data in a table
and graph representations. An example of the tabular and graphic displays
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