Global Positioning System Reference
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to Jena RDF databases and OpenRDF Sesame may use uSeekM component
(Sahara 2013), a library that contains spatial predicates and indexes for
Sesame based RDF databases.
In order to provide geospatial reasoning and querying in a triplestore,
the implementers must defi ne an ontology for representing spatial objects
and additional query predicates for retrieving these spatial objects (Battle
and Kolas 2011).
GeospatialWeb offers spatial predicates such as: 1) a Within function
that returns whether a spatial element of an ontology is contained in a
geographic area, 2) a Nearby function that returns geographic elements of
an ontology that are near to a given latitude and longitude and, 3) a Distance
function that returns the distance between two geographic elements defi ned
in an ontology.
uSeekM library provides indexing, effi cient search and computations
on geometries integrated into the SPARQL query language and supports
all OpenGIS Simple Features geometries (such as Point, Line, Polygon)
and functions (such as Within , Intersects , Overlaps , Crosses ) standardized
in the OGC GeoSPARQL standard. In addition, uSeekM extends existing
triplestores with new types of indexes (R-Tree, Quadtree or Geohash). It
also has a PostgisIndexer module that uses a PostGIS database to build
Note that these semantic spatial libraries provide similar mathematical
operations that a GIS provides in a location-aware system, as described in
the GIS Functionalities Necessary for Location-Aware Systems section, but
with the advantage that they allow to work with RDF data and to integrate
with all the Semantic Web technologies.
Smartphone Frameworks
Desktop Semantic Web frameworks are very powerful and offer a complete
range of functionalities. However, as Zander et al . (Zander and Schandl
2010) show, these heavy-weight systems cannot be deployed on typical
smartphones because of their limited memory and processing capacities.
Desktop frameworks are developed for powerful server computing
infrastructures, which are able to process huge amounts of data. However,
they are not appropriate for a smartphone environment, which has lower
CPU power. Hence, Jena and Sesame must be modifi ed to work on a
Jena has a port of different components to Android Operative System
(OS). The Android version comprises the core of Jena, called Androjena
(Group 2010), the SPARQL query engine-ARQ, called ARQoid, and the
non-transactional database storing system-TDB, called TDBoid. However,
Jena SDB component is not ported to Android. SDB uses relational databases
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