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Box 21.2 (continued)
earlier experiences provided a useful starting point, but required adaptation to
each context.
Scaling up is a long-haul process needing political commitment and
patience over long periods. Flexibility in sequencing needs to accommodate
this (Hancock 2003 ).
Scaling up requires a well-designed communications program. Information, educa-
tion, and communication activities have to meet awareness and learning needs, as
also process monitoring needs. Equal access to information by all participants is
critical for welfare-enhancing social choice. Decentralization, community empow-
erment and capacity building can be aided by a multi-dimensional communication
program which will also contribute independently to information, voice and organi-
zational capacity.
In conclusion, scaling-up and replication challenges project strategies demanding
changes to overcome socio-economic, geographical and policy barriers. Committed
individuals significantly increase potential for success and wider institutional base
is required for scaling-up and replication. Successful pilot projects undergo a transi-
tion phase of survival needing collaborative action. In scaling-up and replication the
stage-wise approach is important. Creating local support structures are important
and require formal arrangements. Ownership sharing is a vital strategy to facilitate
emergence of local leaderships to strengthen the human line up needed for scaling-
up and replication process for long term sustainability (Mansuri and Rao 2004 ).
Binswanger HP, Aiyar SS (2003) Scaling up community-driven development: theoretical underpin-
nings and program design implications. World Bank policy research working paper no. 3039
Available at SSRN:
Gillespie S (2004) Scaling up community-driven development: a synthesis of experience. Social
development working paper 69. World Bank, Washington, DC
Hancock J (2003) Scaling up issues and options: supporting good practices and innovation. ARD
Working Paper No. 27
Mansuri G, Rao V (2004) Community based (and driven) development: a critical review. World
Bank Res Obs 19(1):1-39
Narayan D (ed) (2002) Empowerment and poverty reduction: a sourcebook. The World Bank,
Washington, DC
Uvin P, Jain PS, Brown LD (2000) Think large and act small: toward a new paradigm for NGO
scaling up. World Dev 28(8):1409-1419
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