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Grass root level, officers involved in the process also work ineffectively and ham-
per the overall implementation of activities related to combating land degradation
and the promotion of soil conservation measures in the country. Skills development,
increased salaries and training on career development etc. for the officers involved
in the field of land degradation should be enhanced/improved in order to overcome
this capacity constraint.
Lack of a proper information exchange system is a major drawback in incorpo-
rating national strategies in sustainable development plans and policies. This has
been highlighted in various forums and national reports. It is necessary to have an
effective coordination mechanism among the institutions (government, private and
relevant stakeholders) for the exchange and analysis of information and identifying
the problems and finding solutions. In this connection it would be very useful to
establish a national level coordinating body. Presently, there is no such coordinating
mechanism or coordinating body in Sri Lanka. This is one of the major capacity
constraints that prevent or slow down the implementation of the CCD activities.
At the institutional level, it is necessary to have a coordination mechanism
and a body to mobilize the information and knowledge available with different
institutions. Besides, the lack of a proper inventory of experts in the field, the
absence of a formal system of collecting information and the lack of proper
consultative approach (team approach) inhibit the mobilization of information and
the knowledge and thereby prevent the implementation of the requirements of CCD.
Attitudes of all stakeholders are very important in mobilizing and sharing
the information. Officers especially those in the government sector are generally
reluctant to share the information and knowledge with others. This is common not
only amongst the scientific community but also at the administrative level where the
data and statistics are handled. The reasons for this may be twofold; either the officer
does not have the authority to disclose the information, or the officer does not wish
to share the information with others (attitudes). At times, the relevant stakeholders
are not consulted and their views are not respected in the process of mobilizing and
sharing information. There is a lack of farmer's awareness of the magnitude and
consequences of land degradation in Sri Lanka. The inability of farmers to perceive
significant gains from activities pertaining to combating land degradation is also
factors that prevent the implementing of activities to combat land degradation.
Sri Lanka is committed to the implementation of the NAP process. Preparation of
the NAP by the MOE reflects the importance of soil conservation in combating land
degradation in the country. The country has developed the structures to implement
this but there is a need to build more capacity for implementation of the CCD. There
is also need to build more capacity to improve on implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of programs for combating desertification. A major obstacle in the way
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