Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Establishment of forest plantations on sensitive areas .
Planting tree belts as windbreaks .
Development of technology to minimize soil erosion, moisture conservation, op-
timization of fertilizer use efficiency, implementation of productivity improvement
programs at field level, promotion of integrated soil fertility management measures,
promotion of agroforestry systems and proper management of such systems for
optimization of resource utilization, implementation of farmer level programs for
crop productivity improvement through soil and moisture conservation, develop-
ment of an optimum ground cover by filling vacancies etc. are some of the major
program areas of the Department of Export Agriculture in relation to the control of
soil erosion, moisture conservation and soil fertility improvement through the use
of traditional as well as local technologies.
Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL) also contributes in fulfilling the above
requirement under the provisions of relevant acts such as the Mahaweli Authority
Act, the National Environmental Act, the Soil Conservation Act and policies such
as the National Watershed Management Policy even though it does not have a
mandate to implement activities under CCD. MASL uses traditional and/or local
technologies i.e. biological, chemical and agronomical soil conservation measures
and cropping systems to control soil erosion and to conserve water resources
especially in the up and mid country areas of Sri Lanka. In the past MASL has
obtained the services of international experts to address the issues such as soil
erosion, conservation of water resources, rehabilitation of degraded lands in the
Mahaweli watershed areas.
The Alternative Energy Division of Ministry of Science and Technology is
involved in the promotion of alternative energy technologies and the establishment
of sustainable energy plantations on marginal and degraded lands. The Division
has also proposed the utilization of agro-based residues for methane production to
be used as automobile fuel. Through these activities, the Division contributes to
the improvement of the livelihoods of rural communities and the rehabilitation of
degraded lands.
Coastal Dunes
Dunes are windblown accumulations of sand that remain unstable unless covered by
vegetation. Extensive dune systems have developed between Mullathivu and Point
Pedro, Between Elephant Pass and Chavakachcheri, across Mannar Island, between
Ambakandawila and Kalpitiya and between Hambanthota and Sangamankanda
point. Forest Department of Sri Lanka planted those coastal areas with Casuarina
equisetifolia (Kasa in Sinhala) for protection of coast and for stabilizing the dunes,
and also to prevent saline wind blows from seaside (Fig. 16.10 ).
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