Geoscience Reference
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References and Further Reading
DA-DOST-DENR-DAR (2004) The Philippine national action plan to combat desertification, land
degradation, drought and poverty, FY 2004-2010. BSWM, Quezon City
National Land Use Committee (2002) National framework for physical planning 2001-2030.
National Economic and Development Authority, NEDA, Manila
Nguyen MR, Paul J, Mesa AD, Rola AC (2006) Vegetables agroforestry system: base line
survey results in Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines, 2006.
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development
(2001) El Nino Southern oscillation: mitigating measures. PCARRD, Los Banos
Rogelio CN (2005) Third country report on the UNCCD implementation (2003-2005). BSWM,
Quezon City
Tejada SQ, Kim Tae-eun (2011) Philippines: a vegetable agroforestry system in practice. In:
Yang Y, Jin LS, Victor S, Kyung-soo K, Hye-min P (eds) Combating desertification and
land degradation: proven practices from Asia and Pacific. Korea Forest Service, Daejeon City,
pp 141-152
The Fourth National Report on Performance Review and Assessment of Implementation System
(PRAIS) of Philippines, UNCCD, Bonn, Aug 2010
Watson HR, Laquihon WA (1987) Sloping agricultural land technology: an agroforestry model for
soil conservation. In: Agroforestry in the humid tropics. Environmental and Policy Institute
(EAPI), East-west Center, Hawaii.
Watson HR, Laquihon WA (1993) The Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center's Sloping Agricultural
Land Technology (SALT) research and extension in the Philippines. In: Farrington J, Lewis
D (eds) NGOs and the state in Asia: rethinking roles in sustainable agricultural development.
Routledge, London
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