Geoscience Reference
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and day-to-day operational coordination. In order to meet the challenges of land
degradation and desertification in Pakistan, the Ministry of Environment took the
initiative in development of the PDF-B phase to design a full-scale project called
“Sustainable Land Management Project” (SLMP) funded by GEF-UNDP. The
SLMP would help in improving ecosystem resilience and productivity through
promoting sustainable use of land resources, mainstreaming SLM principles in
overall land use planning and development, enhancing knowledge and awareness,
protecting habitat of globally important species, maintain hydrological cycles,
mitigating effects of greenhouse gases, and reducing poverty. The project will be
implemented in two phases, with the first phase focused on creating an enabling
environment for SLM and piloting innovations (in progress since 2005), and the
second phase drawing on lessons learned to deepen the policy and institutional
commitment to SLM and completing demonstration projects that can later be scaled
up and replicated.
References and Further Reading
Anon (1994) Report of Prime Minister's Task Force on Agriculture. Revenue Division, Ministry
of Finance, Revenue and Economics Affairs, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad
Government of Pakistan (1992) Pakistan forestry sector master plan. UNDP and Government of
Pakistan. Reid Collins and Associates, Islamabad
Government of Pakistan (GOP) (2003) Accelerating economic growth and reducing poverty: the
road ahead. Poverty reduction strategy paper. Ministry of Finance, GOP, Islamabad
Government of Pakistan and IUCNP (1992) The Pakistan national conservation strategy: where
we are, where we should be, and how to get there. Government of Pakistan and IUCNP,
Islamabad, 451p
National Commission on Agriculture (1988) Report of the National Commission on Agriculture.
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government o f Pakistan, Islamabad
PARC (1997) National master agricultural research plan. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council,
Ministry for Food and Agriculture, Islamabad
Shah Z, Arshad M (2006) Land degradation in Pakistan: a serious threat to environments and
economic sustainability. Green Pages Eco Services International.
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