Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 12.4 Dry afforestation
technology in Thal
Fig. 12.5 Eucalyptus wind
break in desert
Land degradation, which includes both desertification and deforestation, is occur-
ring worldwide, with the most severe impact on the poorest rural communities. As
a result, agricultural productivity is declining sharply, while the number of mouths
to feed continues to grow. In an attempt to meet the food and fiber needs of ever
growing population of Pakistan, the Green revolution concept was introduced and
as a result high yielding varieties and new cropping techniques were adopted in the
irrigated parts of the country. Whereas on the other hand, Pakistan is predominantly
a dry land country where 80 % of its land area is arid or semi-arid, about 12 % is
dry sub-humid and remaining 8 % is humid. Increase in population and greater
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