Geoscience Reference
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Significant efforts have been made during the last 30 years in order to reduce
the impacts of the environmental scourges and reverse the tendency to the
deterioration of natural resources and areas. The efforts are increasing since
1984 following the national debate on the desertification control and particularly
during the last 5 years with the effective engagement of the highest authorities.
An outcome of the Environment and Desertification Control initiative was the
Medium Term Action Plan and this, it is hoped, will guide Niger's effort
to combat desertification. The purpose of the MTAP is to implement the
orientations, strategies and programs of the SRP (strategy to reduce poverty)
and the SRD (strategy for rural development) in relation to environment and
desertification control.
Rural population pressure is responsible for over exploitation of land in a
bid for survival. The problem is exacerbated by climate variability driven by
global climate change, in this case prolonged drought, desertification, higher
temperatures and greater rainfall variability. The trend poses serious challenge
and concern to the national government and communities directly affected. There
is urgent need to tackle the situation or Niger will face irreversible loss of
biodiversity and reduction of land fertility which will seriously affect agriculture,
food security, the corresponding living standards and economic well being of
the local communities. Soil desiccation and sparseness of vegetation cover are
responsible for speedy removal of topsoil by wind action leading to dusty or
hazy weather and widespread desertification.
Keywords MTAP • Poverty • Sand dune fixation • Cattle • Climate change •
Resource use • Success stories • Lessons learned • Siltation of watersheds •
Wildlife •
Endangered species
Invasive plants •
Drought •
Niger, a landlocked country located in west Africa (Fig. 10.1 ), resembles many
other Sahelian countries affected by drought conditions. Erratic rains have greatly
limited the chances of survival for both humans and animals in this marginal
environment. Furthermore, years of civil disturbances have ruined an already
precarious economy and have robbed it of many of the critical resources needed
to control its environment. Recent data has confirmed Niger as being one of the
poorest nations on earth with a per capita income of less than US 100 per annum.
Niger is one of the countries that form the Sahel Region which has seen recurring
drought, food insecurity, and increased desertification over the last 30 years, a
result - at least partly - of global climate change and overuse of scant natural
resources. In recent times, food insecurity and drought reached abnormally high
levels, prompting a response from the international community and an intensive
food security operation undertaken by the International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies.
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