Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 4.6 Furrowing to catch water and allow germination of wind blown seeds has been tested in
Libya. Creation of surface roughness reduces run off and reduces wind velocity at or near the soil
surface (Photo B.E. Norton)
Establishment of Legal Principles and Enactment
of Legislation
Libya has ratified important international agreements on environment, like biodi-
versity, climate change and desertification. There are several laws to protect the
environment, natural resources including laws on use of arable land, pasture land,
water (both surface and groundwater) protection of renewable and non renewable
natural resources and urban development. A few of these laws are summarized in
Tab le 4.3 .
Because of these and other laws and regulations, it was possible to achieve many
of the objectives of combating desertification and halt desert encroachment, and
maintain the ecological balance while conserving biodiversity. Implementation of
existing legislation could go some way to reverse the trend but enforcement is
weak. At the operational level. the effectiveness of policy, laws and legislations
need to be assessed properly through an appropriate framework. Abahussain
et al. ( 2002 ) have reported that the land degradation in the Arab Region due to
misuse is widespread and is proceeding at accelerating rates. Failures of resource
management policies are aggravated by overgrazing, overexploitation of water and
land resources, over-cultivation of marginal lands, deforestation, and the use of
inappropriate technologies.
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