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commercial, academic, or government labora-
tories are capable of doing the water extraction
and tritium analysis. Tritium can be analyzed
by radiometric methods (liquid scintillation or
gas proportional counting) or by helium-3 ( 3 He)
ingrowth (Clarke et al ., 1976 ; Schlosser et al .,
1989 ). Radiometric methods require about
20 mL of sample and have a detection limit of
about 6 TU. Electrolytic enrichment of samples
can reduce that detection limit to about 0.1 TU;
however, the enrichment process requires
much larger volumes of water, up to hundreds
of milliliters (Ostlund and Dorsey, 1977 ). The
3 He ingrowth method of measuring 3 H concen-
trations involves degassing of the water sam-
ple under vacuum and sealing and storing the
water in a special gas-tight container for time
periods ranging from 1 month to 1 year, result-
ing in detection limits down to 0.1 TU or less
(Clarke et al ., 1976 ). The 3 He ingrowth method
for analyzing 3 H in unsaturated pore-water
samples should not be confused with the 3 H/ 3 He
groundwater dating method ( Section 7.3.3 ).
Dating groundwater with 3 H/ 3 He requires iso-
lation of the 3 He from the atmosphere, which
only occurs below the water table (Solomon
et al ., 1992 ).
The presence of 3 H levels greater than about
0.5 TU in a water sample generally indicates
that some of the sample is from post-1952 pre-
cipitation (assuming maximum prebomb 3 H
of 7 TU and a residence time of 55 years or 4.5
half lives). Many studies have estimated unsat-
urated zone drainage rates on the basis of
depth of bomb-pulse tritium (Dincer et al ., 1974 ;
Aranyossy and Gaye, 1992 ; Heilweil et al ., 2006 ;
Lin and Wei, 2006 ). The tracer-profile method
(Equation ( 7.1 )) and peak-displacement method
(Equation ( 7. 3 )) can be applied by using the
depth of the peak concentration or the center
of mass (Equation ( 7. 2 )). In each case, Δ t is set
equal to the time between peak atmospheric
concentration of 3 H (1963-4) and sampling time.
Heilweil et al . ( 2006 ) applied the profile method
on the basis of depths of peak concentrations in
11 boreholes in southwestern Utah. Gvirtzman
and Magaritz ( 1986 ) used differences in 3 H con-
centrations in irrigation water (summer) and
rainfall (winter) to identify 14 years of recharge
cycles in an unsaturated zone tritium-depth
profile at a site in Israel. The peak-displacement
method was applied for each of the 14 concen-
tration peaks. Normally, this method requires
sampling at two different times. However, a
single sampling date sufficed for this study
because of the seasonal variability of tritium
input at land surface; in effect, 14 tracer experi-
ments were analyzed with a single sampling
date. The average vertical velocity for all peaks
was 0.7 m/yr, and drainage was estimated as 8%
of precipitation and irrigation.
The use of tritium in the mass-balance
approach requires modification of Equation ( 7.6 )
to account for radioactive decay (Allison et al .,
1994 ; Cook et al ., 1994 ; Heilweil et al ., 2006 ):
z dz
w C
te λ
where C uz ( z ) is now tritium concentration at the
time of sampling, i refers to number of years
prior to the time of sampling, w is equal to pre-
cipitation during year i ( P i ) divided by long-term
mean annual precipitation, C Pi is tritium con-
centration in precipitation i years prior to the
time of sampling, Δ t is 1 year, and λ is the decay
constant for tritium (0.0565 yr -1 ). The decay cor-
rection allows concentrations to be expressed
relative to the time of sampling. The mass-bal-
ance equation for tritium has been expressed in
an alternative form by Heilweil et al . ( 2006 ):
= UZ
where M UZ is 3 H mass in the unsaturated zone
at the sampling site, equal to the numerator
on the right-hand side of Equation ( 7.12 ); M PPT
is 3 H mass input to the site from precipitation,
equal to the summation in the denominator of
Equation ( 7.12 ) with each term multiplied by
P i , and P is mean annual precipitation. The dif-
ference between 3 H mass in precipitation and
the unsaturated zone represents 3 H and, there-
fore, water that was evapotranspired. Heilweil
et al . ( 2006 ) found that the tritium mass-balance
drainage estimates were less than estimates
determined with the tritium profile method,
perhaps because of seasonal variability in tri-
tium concentration in precipitation.
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