Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Using a Graphical User Interface
Open the WINS MMC snap-in.
Right-click the Replication Partners subnode in the left pane, and select Properties.
On the General tab, specify whether you want to replicate only with configured partners,
or with any WINS server.
On the General tab, specify whether you want to overwrite unique static mappings at
this server (indicating that the static entries will be treated as if they were dynamic).
This process is also referred to as “Migrate On.”
Select the Advanced tab, and set the following options if needed:
￿ Specify whether you want to accept or block records from a given server (by IP
address or NetBIOS name).
￿ Specify whether you want to enable automatic partner configuration.
￿ Specify the multicast interval (hours and seconds) and time to live (TTL) to be used in
automatic partner configuration.
Click OK to save the changes.
Using a Command-Line Interface
There are no commands that correspond to the settings on the General tab as described in the
preceding section. However, you can use the following command to set the advanced configu-
ration options, corresponding to automatic-replication partner configuration:
> netsh wins server set autopartnerconfig [[State=]{0 | 1}]
[[Interval=] Value ] [[TTL=] Value ]
Here is a description of the command-line options:
State : Optional parameter that specifies whether you want to automate partner configu-
ration. A value of 0 indicates no automatic configuration; a value of 1 will automate the
configuration. The default state is no automatic configuration.
Interval : Optional parameter that specifies the multicast interval, in seconds.
TTL : Optional parameter that specifies the time-to-live value for multicasts between
replication partners. The value must be an integer from 1 (minimum) to 32 (maximum)
For example, use this command to configure automatic partner configuration with a
multicast interval of one hour and a time-to-live (TTL) value of 20 :
> netsh wins server set autopartnerconfig state=1 interval=3600 ttl=20
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