Information Technology Reference
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Using VBScript
This script will export the configuration of an IAS server to a text file:
' This script will export the configuration of
' an IAS server to a text file
set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strOutputFolder = "c:\temp"
strFileName = "ias-export.txt"
strOutputFile = strOutputFolder & "\" & strFileName
' Now execute the netsh command
set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set oExec = wshShell.Exec("netsh aaaa show config > " & strOutputFile)
' To import a file into the local computer, replace the previous line
' with the following:
' set oExec = wshShell.Exec("netsh exec " & strOutputFile)
' Sit in a loop while the command is running
Do While oExec.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Echo("Settings export complete!")
How It Works
If you have a number of IAS servers configured in a server farm, it's important that each server
be configured identically so that your end users will have a consistent experience, regardless
of the server to which they connect. The easiest way to create an identical IAS configuration
across multiple servers is to use netsh to export the configuration settings of one server into a
text-based script file, and then to use the netsh exec command on the additional servers to
create their configuration based on that file. By using the pipe command ( > filename.txt ), you
are creating a binary-formatted file that can be read by a remote server to fully configure the
IAS service.
In addition to exporting the configuration information for a Windows Server 2003 IAS
server, you can also export the following information using netsh :
netsh show clients : Exports a list of configured RADIUS client
netsh show connection_request_policies: Exports a list of configured connection request
policies only
netsh show logging : Exports only the logging configuration of the local computer
netsh show remote_access_policies : Exports the remote access policies defined on the
local computer
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