Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
How many invalid logon attempts should be permitted before the user's account is
locked out? You need to strike a balance between improving security by locking out
potential attackers without inconveniencing legitimate users by being too stringent.
Once a user account has been locked, how long should it remain that way? You can
configure the account lockout reset time to maintain the account lockout for up to
two days.
Caution The remote access account lockout feature is separate from an account lockout policy configured
for a domain, and is not affected by any changes you make to Group Policy.
The reg.exe Command-Line Utility
You can use the reg.exe command-line utility to read, add, modify, or delete information from
the Windows Registry. You can get a full list of available command options by typing reg /? at
the command line. Type reg add /? for a fuller syntax of each individual command option. In
this case, you're using the reg add command with the following switches:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Parameters\AccountLockout :
The location where the key is being added or modified.
/v MaxDenials : The name of the Registry key being added or modified. (Note that you need
to use quotes for ResetTime "ResetTime (mins)" —because it contains a space.)
/t REG_DWORD : The data type of the key being added or modified, in this case a DWORD value.
/d 60 : The actual data being stored in the new or modified key
/f : Prompts reg.exe to overwrite any existing information; necessary to modify an existing
Registry key.
See Also
Recipe 6-14 for managing remote access account lockouts
Microsoft TechNet: “Registry,” (
scripts/os/registry/default.mspx )
Microsoft TechNet: “Remote Access Account Lockout” (
c03f130b-ecc8-4f71-8bb2-cf447a438a18.mspx )
Microsoft TechNet: “Backing Up and Restoring the Registry”
7cf151b7-03f3-45e9-9edb-ece32ba6a75f1033.mspx?mfr=true )
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