Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
￿ Client-IP-Address
￿ Client-Vendor
￿ Day-And-Time-Restrictions
￿ Framed-Protocol
￿ NAS-Identifier
￿ NAS-IP-Address
￿ Tunnel-Type
Click Add to select a profile condition. For each condition that you add, you will be
prompted to configure the appropriate information for that condition. For example, if
you select Day-And-Time-Restrictions, you'll be prompted to configure the days and
times during which this policy should apply. If you select Windows-Groups, you'll be
prompted for the groups that should be included.
Click Next when you've finished configuring remote access conditions.
On the Permissions screen, select either Grant Remote Access Permission or Deny
Remote Access Permission. This will determine whether users who meet the criteria
specified by this policy should be granted or denied access to the IAS server. Click Next
to continue.
On the Profile screen, click Edit Profile to modify any additional settings that should
apply to this policy, including the following:
￿ On the Authentication tab, specify the authentication methods that you will permit
for this connection, including EAP, MS-CHAPv2, MS-CHAP, CHAP, PAP, SPAP, and
Unauthenticated Access.
￿ On the Encryption tab, specify the encryption levels that you will accept from
incoming clients, including Basic (MPPE 40-bit), Strong (MPPE 56-bit), Strongest
(MPPE 128-bit), or No Encryption.
￿ On the Dial-in Constraints tab, specify idle timeouts, the maximum length of a
session, and similar settings.
￿ On the IP tab, specify how remote access clients receive a valid IP address, as well as
any inbound or outbound packet filtering for the remote connection.
￿ On the Multilink tab, specify whether remote clients can use multilink connections,
as well as configure the Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP).
￿ On the Advanced tab, configure RADIUS-specific attributes.
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