Information Technology Reference
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To display configuration information for the Relay Agent on an interface, use this command:
> netsh routing ip relay show ifconfig
[[Index=]<InterfaceIndex>] [[Rr=]<RefreshRate>]
There are two command-line parameters:
Index : Optional parameter whose value specifies the index number of the interface.
If omitted, the command will return results for all interfaces.
Rr : Optional parameter whose value specifies the refresh rate, given in seconds, of the
statistics to display.
The command will return results like the following:
> netsh routing ip relay add interface "Server Local Area Connection"
DHCP Relay Agent Interface Config for : Server Local Area Connection
State Bound and Enabled
Relay Mode ENABLED
Max Hop Count 4
Minimum Seconds Since Boot 4
To edit the Relay Agent configuration for an interface, use this command:
> netsh routing ip relay set interface [InterfaceName=] <InterfaceName
[relaymode=]{enable | disable}
[[maxhop=] <Integer> ] [[minsecs=] <Integer> ]
These are the command-line parameters:
InterfaceName : The name of the interface whose configuration you want to edit. The name
must be identical to the name of the interface as specified in Network Properties.
RelayMode : Required parameter whose value specifies whether you want to enable or
disable the agent on the interface.
MaxHop : Optional parameter whose value specifies the number of hops that a DHCP packet
can make before it should be dropped and no longer relayed.
MinSecs : Optional parameter whose value, specified in seconds, indicates the amount
of time from system boot that must appear in a DHCP packet before it is relayed to a
DHCP server.
For example, to enable the DHCP Relay Agent on the interface named Local Area
Connection #2 with a maximum hop count of 16 and a minimum interval of 4 seconds
from boot time, use the following command:
> netsh routing ip relay set interface "Local Area Connection #2" enable 16 4
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