Information Technology Reference
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> netsh ras show user
A sampling of the results will look as follows:
> netsh ras show user
User name: Administrator
Dialin: policy
Callback policy: none
Callback number:
User name: BDinerman
Dialin: permit
Callback policy: admin
Callback number: 508-555-1234
To configure remote access parameters for a specified user, run the following command:
> netsh ras set user [name=] <UserName> [dialin] {permit | deny | policy}
[cbpolicy] {none | caller | admin [cbnumber=] <CallbackNumber> }
The parameters and values are as follows:
Name : Required parameter that specifies the account name (user ID) of the account whose
remote access properties you want to configure.
Dialin : Required parameter that specifies how you want to manage dial-in privileges. Specify
permit to explicitly grant permission; specify deny to forbid it; or specify policy if you want
a remote access policy to make the decision. Note that in a mixed-mode Active Directory,
policy is not an option, but the resultant behavior will be as if policy were set to deny .
CBPolicy : Required parameter that specifies how you want to handle user callback policies.
Specify none to prohibit user callback; specify caller to allow the caller to set the callback
number; or specify admin to force a callback number.
CBNumber : Required parameter only if the CBPolicy parameter has been given a value of
admin . This parameter specifies the callback number to use for the given user.
As an example, if you want to explicitly grant the EPresley user account dial-in rights with
a callback number set to 1-800-555-1234 , you could run the following command:
> netsh ras set user EPresley permit admin 18005551234
How It Works
Callback occurs after the user has authenticated to the remote access server. Once the authen-
tication process has successfully completed, the server will disconnect the session and reinitiate
the connection to the user.
Callback policies offer two key advantages:
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