Information Technology Reference
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protect, but also from what or whom you are trying to protect them, and what the implications
are for your organization if these systems are compromised.
We could certainly devote many chapters just to the implementation of security. However,
we will assume that you have already weighed these considerations and put appropriate
safeguards into place prior to working with Microsoft RRAS to create and support your VPN
Using a Graphical User Interface
All recipes that involve RRAS management through a graphical user interface will refer to the
Routing and Remote Access MMC snap-in, accessed from the Administrative Tools folder
within the Start menu. In addition, you can access it directly at %systemroot%\system32\
rrasmgmt.msc .
Using a Command-Line Interface
In Windows Server 2003, the netsh ras command provides a command-line interface for
managing RRAS. In this chapter, all recipes with command-line solutions will be based on
netsh ras .
To access the netsh ras interface for the local server, open a command prompt and issue
the following command:
> netsh ras
To access the help menu for the netsh ras syntax, just append the help parameter to
the command:
> netsh ras help
Using the Registry
There are a number of entries in the Windows Registry that will allow you to modify parameters
needed to configure remote access services. All entries are located at
As usual, edit the Registry with care. Changing a value or key incorrectly can leave your
server in an unusable state.
Using VBScript
Unfortunately, there is no built-in scripting interface through which to administer RRAS.
However, you can call the netsh ras command-line functions from a VBScript using the
following syntax:
' This code will instantiate a WSH object and execute the desired command.
' 'Enter the desired netsh ras command between the quotation marks
' in the line below, for example:
strCommand = "netsh ras add registeredserver domain=acmecorp.local server=voyager"
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