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pollutants in their tissues as an integrative estimate of the degrees of pollution is an attractive idea
fraught with practical difficulties. Closely related earthworm species differ in the way they accu-
mulate pollutants, and factors such as age, size, season, and diet can influence rates of accumulation.
To use earthworms effectively as biomonitoring tools, it is important to know their body burdens
of any particular toxic chemical and to understand the various pathways of metabolism and
detoxification. Ecological risk assessment essentially requires an interdisciplinary approach, and
earthworm researchers should be aware of useful developments and approaches in other fields. The
incorporation of earthworm biomarkers in risk assessment schemes for soils may in the future
contribute to a more scientific basis in decision making.
Axelsen, J.A. 1997. A physiologically driven mathematical simulation model as a tool for extention of results
from laboratory to ecosystem effects, in
Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soils
, N.M.
Van Straalen and H. L¾kke, Eds., Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 233Ï250.
Bartell, S.M., Gardener, R.H., and OÔNeil, R.V. 1992.
Biological Risk Estimation
, Lewis Publishers, Boca
Raton, FL.
Basta, N. and Gradwohl, R. 2000. Estimation of Cd, Pb, and Zn bioavailability in smelter-contaminated soils
by a sequential extraction procedure,
, 9, 149Ï164.
Bembridge, J.D. 1998. Recommendations from the Second International Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxi-
cology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, in
J. Soil. Contam.
, S. Sheppard, J. Bem-
bridge, M. Holmstrup, and L. Posthuma, Eds., SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL, pp. 389Ï398.
Bengtsson, G. 1997. Dispersal, heterogeneity and resistance: challenging soil quality assessment, in
Advances in Earthworm Ecotoxicology
Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil
, N.M. Van Straalen and H. L¾kke, Eds., Chapman & Hall,
London, pp. 191Ï212.
Bengtsson, G., Ek, H., and Rundgren, S. 1992. Evolutionary response of earthworms to long-term metal
, 63, 289Ï297.
Beyer, W.N. 1992. Relating results from earthworm toxicity tests to agricultural soil, in
Ecotoxicology of
, P.W. Greig-Smith, H. Becker, P.J. Edwards, and F. Heimbach, Eds., Intercept, Hants,
U.K., pp. 109Ï115.
Bouch, M.B. 1972.
Lombriciens de France
, Ecologie et Systimatique, Publ. Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique, Paris.
Bouch, M.B. 1992. Earthworm species and ecotoxicological studies, in
, P.W.
Greig-Smith, H. Becker, P.J. Edwards, and F. Heimbach, Eds., Intercept, Hants, U.K., pp. 20Ï35.
Burrows, L. and Edwards, C.A. 2002 The use of integrated microcosms to predict the fate and effects of
pesticides on soil ecosystems,
Ecotoxicology of Earthworms
, 38, 245Ï249.
Callahan, C.A. and Linder, G. 1992 Assessment of contaminated soils using earthworm test procedures, in
Eur. J. Soil Biol.
, P.W. Greig-Smith, H. Becker, P.J. Edwards, and F. Heimbach, Eds.,
Intercept, Hants, U.K., pp. 187Ï196.
Callahan, C.A., Shirazi, M.A., and Neuhauser, E.F. 1994. Comparative toxicity of chemicals to earthworms,
Ecotoxicology of Earthworms
., 13, 291Ï298.
Cluzeau, D., Lagarde, R., Texier, G., and Fayolle, L. 1992. Relevance of life-history parameters in earthworm
ecotoxicology, in
Environ. Toxicol. Chem
, P.W. Greig-Smith, H. Becker, P.J. Edwards, and F.
Heimbach, Eds., Intercept, Hants, U.K., pp. 225Ï229.
Connell, D.W. and Markwell, R.D. 1990. Bio-accumulation in the soil to earthworm system,
Ecotoxicology of Earthworms
20, 91Ï100.
Daily, G.C. 1997.
Natures Services
, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Edwards, C.A. 1983.
Development of a Standardized Laboratory Method for Assessing the Toxicity of Chemical
Substances to Earthworms
, Report EUR 8714 EN, Environment and Quality of Life: Commission of
the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium, 141 pp.
Edwards, C.A. 1984.
Report of the Second Stage of a Standardized Laboratory Method for Assessing the
Toxicity of Chemical Substances to Earthworms
, Report EUR 9360 EN, Environment and Quality of
Life: Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium, 99 pp.
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