Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In some cases you need to create a table representation that does not exist in your
data source. An example of this would be joining several tables down in the data-
base so that the result set could be used in your multidimensional cube. To do this
you can create what is called a named query. You can see that you have this option
when you either right-click on a table or when you right-click in the design window.
There is one important consideration that you need to have in your mind when you
use both the capability of adding columns to tables as well as binding to queries and
that is the fact that when Analysis Services processes the cube, every query sent
down to the relational database will be in the format of a subquery. This means that
the query that you write will be wrapped in an outer query automatically by Analysis
Services. Due to this, there are some limitations to what your query can contain; as
an example, you cannot use a group by with a having clause in your statement.
For more information about what the limitations are with subqueries in SQL Serv-
er, please refer to the following link:
Extending the data source view
Now it is time to start extending the data source view to contain more tables as well
as some additional logic. First thing that we will start with is adding a new calculated
column to the DimCustomer table:
1. Right-click on the DimCustomer table and choose New Named Calcula-
tion .
2. In the Column name: box, type FullName .
3. In the Expression: box, type [FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName] .
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