Database Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Click on the Browser tab and click on the Change User button.
4. In the Security Context dialog, click on the Roles radio button, select the
Internet Sales Readers in the drop-down list, and then click on OK .
When you test the security, you will get an error and the query designer will be un-
available. The error dialog will contain the following message:
The reason for this error is that [Measures].[Sales Amount - Fact
Reseller Sales] is used in the year-to-date, month-to-date, and the twelve
month moving average calculations. In the security setup of this role, the access to
this measure was explicitly denied. To fix this error, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click on the Adventure Works DW2012.cube file and click on the
Calculations tab in the designer.
2. Click on the Script view button to see the full script used for the calculations.
3. In the Script view, find the code that contains the scope statement; it should
look like the following:
[Measures].[Sales Amount],
[Measures].[Sales Amount - Fact
Reseller Sales]
4. This code needs to be changed to contain a statement that checks if the
[Measures].[Sales Amount - Fact Reseller Sales] measure ex-
ists. The scope statement will look like the following:
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