Database Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see from the result of the action, the column names are defined as
[$dimension name].[attribute name] . In many cases, this is not what you
want or you may want to control the result set further. In some cases, you also need
to fetch the data from the database instead. This is something that can be done us-
ing a rowset action. A rowset action returns a rowset to the client application.
In order to use a rowset action, you need to create a small DLL that you can load in
Analysis Services. The DLL needs to contain the code needed to execute the query.
An example of this would be the following C# code:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace MyActionClass
public class MyActionClass
public MyActionClass()
public static DataTable
ExecQuery(string cnDef, string qDef)
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