Database Reference
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10,[Measures].[Sales Amount - Fact
Reseller Sales])
The topcount function takes a set as the first parameter or any function
that returns a set and then the number of members that should be selec-
ted. As the third parameter, it takes the measure that it should use when
calculating the top members from the set.
4. Specify that it should be a Dynamic set, as in this case, it needs to be eval-
uated at query time.
5. Deploy your project and test the new set.
as many of them as possible down in the cube instead of defining them in the query.
By doing this, you can reuse throughout your analysis. Another reason to do this is
that by defining them once, errors will be less likely, or discussions like it would be if
you have a calculation with the same name but different formulas in different reports.
You can get help with calculations by using the included templates, you will find them
in the calculation editor down in the right-hand corner:
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