Database Reference
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14. Click on OK to stop editing the query. Click on Next .
15. Choose to add Tabular report and click on Next .
16. Drag and drop Calendar Year to the group box, add the Product Category
and Sales Amount to the details and click on Next .
17. Choose to create a Stepped report and check the Include subtotals and
Enable drilldown check boxes. Click on Next .
18. Choose Slate as the template and click on Next .
19. Name the report FirstCubeReport and click on Finish .
20. Now that you have a report, click on the textbox that contains the
[Sales_Amount] expression and choose Properties . Change number
format to be Currency .
21. Perform the same step for the textbox that contains the
[Sum(Sales_Amount)] expression.
22. Now that you have created the new report you can click on the preview tab
to see how the report will look like when you execute it.
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