Database Reference
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One row is returned with the Sales Amount of $2,369.97 when you slice by the
[Customer].[Customer].[Abigail Diaz] member using the name.
However, consider the following query:
--Query 5.9
SELECT [Measures].[Sales Amount] ON 0,
[Customer].[Customer].&[22641]} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works DW2012];
If you execute this, you will get the following result:
Two instances of Abigail Diaz actually exist in the database. What if in the first
query, you wanted to return the Abigail Diaz that bought goods for $588.96? There
is no way of controlling what gets returned besides using the unique name. Analys-
is Services will search the cube space and return the first members that satisfy the
member name.
A good practice is to always use unique names when referencing members to
avoid ambiguity.
As mentioned before, MDX is a language used to position oneself in the cube space.
You do this by specifying a cube slice or a tuple in the cube. If you want to return
the sales for mountain bikes by a specific month or maybe by a quarter, you need to
specify this slice in the query.
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