Database Reference
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runs. For more information on how to create a partitioned table in SQL Server,
refer to the following section in Books Online:
Partitions not only help during processing, but it can also affect querying response
time due to a process called partition elimination that allows Analysis Services to ex-
clude partitions during the query. As an example, let us say that you are partitioning
on year , and you are querying the data for September 2007, then Analysis Services
can skip querying the partitions for 2005 and 2006. More about this will be covered
in Chapter 8 , Using Aggregations to Performance Optimize a Cube , in this topic.
Adding partitions to the FirstCube cube
To add partitions to the FirstCube cube, perform the following steps:
1. In the Solution Explorer window, double-click on the Adventure Works
DW2012.cube file.
2. Click on the Partitions tab.
3. Right click on the Fact Internet Sales partition and choose Properties .
4. Find the Source property and change Binding Type: from Table Binding to
Query Binding .
5. Add the following where clause to the query:
--Query 4.3
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