Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Model Name
English Description
Product Subcategory Key
Product Category Key
6. Change the name of the dimension to Product and click on Finish .
7. In the dimension editor, right-click on the Product Subcategory Key attrib-
ute and choose Rename . Change the name to Product Subcategory .
8. Right-click on the Product Subcategory attribute and choose Properties .
Find the NameColumn property and change the property to use the column
EnglishProductSubcategoryName and click on OK .
9. Right-click on the Product Category Key attribute and choose Properties .
Find the Name property and change it to Product Category . Select the
NameColumn property and change the property to use the column Eng-
lishProductCategoryName and click on OK .
10. Right-click on the Product Key attribute and choose Rename , and change
the name to Product .
11. Create a hierarchy that has Product Category on the top, Product Subcat-
egory as the second level, and Product on the bottom-level. Right-click on
Hierarchy and choose to rename it to Product Hierarchy .
12. If you click on the Attribute Relationships tab, you can see that Analysis
Services picked up the correct order between the attributes. In this case, a
product can theoretically change the product subcategory or category so it
should be set to Flexible as it is by default.
13. Create a second hierarchy that has Product Line as the top-level and Model
Name as the bottom-level; name the new hierarchy as Product Line Hi-
erarchy . The following screenshot shows how the hierarchies should look:
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