Graphics Programs Reference
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left button to pan, and roll the center wheel
to zoom in and out.
Zoom by Station Along the bottom of the
Profile View panel you see two sets of
stations listed and vertical bars that you can
click and drag left and right. As you drag
these bars inward, you are zooming in to a
smaller area of the profile. The stations
listed at the bottom represent the entire
range of stations, and the stations above
show you the station range that you are
zoomed in to.
Pan by Station Beneath the stationing is a
horizontal scroll bar that you can move left
and right by clicking and dragging or by
using the arrow buttons at either end. As
you move this bar, the area that you are
zoomed into slides along the overall
stationing, allowing you to move laterally
along the profile view while maintaining
your current zoom level.
It's OK to Exaggerate
Vertical exaggeration is a common
practice used to display information in
profile view. In most places, the earth is
relatively flat, and the changes in
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