Geology Reference
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X 2
sin a
cos a
(r 0 ,0,0)
strike - slip
X 1
(r, q , f )
X 3
centre of mass
sin2 a
cos2 a
dip - slip
Figure 9.6 Fault geometry and focal force systems.
point is r
( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ), while the radius vector to a point on the fault surface is
r =
( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) with the fault dip at an angleα to the horizontal. Volterra's formula
for a dip-slip fault gives the displacement vector at the field point as
u i ( r , r )
u i ( r , r )
x 3
u i ( r )
S μ Δ
x 2
sin 2α
u i ( r , r )
x 2
u i ( r , r )
x 3 +
dS ,
cos 2α
with the slip,
Δ u 3 u sinα. Volterra's
formula for a strike-slip fault gives the displacement vector at
Δ u , having components
Δ u 2 u cosαand
the field
point as
S μ Δ u 1
u i ( r , r )
u i ( r , r )
x 1
u i ( r )
x 2 +
u i ( r , r )
u i ( r , r )
x 1
dS ,
x 3 +
with the slip having the single component
u 1 . These forms of Volterra's formula
allow the displacement field to be interpreted as being due to the superposition of
the displacement fields of a continuous distribution of dipole forces over the fault
surface. We take the systems of dipole force distributions shown in Figure 9.6 to
be located at r 0 with spherical polar co-ordinates ( r 0 0 ,0) on the fault surface.
The unit forces entering Volterra's formula are products of unit vectors with the
scalar densities
δ( r
r 0 )δ(θ θ 0 )δ(φ)
r 2 sinθ
δ =
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