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Multiplying (1.28) through byg kj and summing over j , the new covariant compon-
ents of V are found to be given by
u k u m
u l
u j u j
v k =
u i g lm v
u j u j
u m
u m
u i = δ
u i =
i .
Hence, (1.33) reduces to
v k = u l
= u l
i g lm v
u k δ
u k v l .
Thus, the transformation law for the covariant components of the vector V is
v j = u i
u j v i .
1.1.4 Tensors
In the analysis of the state of stress in a solid, it was realised that physical quant-
ities more complicated than vectors were required for the description of the state
of stress. Considering an imaginary surface within the stressed solid, with orient-
ation described by its outward normal vector, the force on the surface is di
for each orientation of the surface. Thus, the stress associates a force vector with
each spatial direction. This has led to the definition of a second-order tensor as
a physical quantity that associates a vector ( a first-order tensor ) with each spatial
direction, and the generalisation that a tensor of order n associates a tensor of order
1 with each spatial direction.
The transformation laws, for contravariant vectors (1.28) and for covariant vec-
tors (1.36), are easily generalised to those for tensors of second and higher order.
In fact, we have already met a second-order, twice covariant tensor , the metrical
cient g ij , whose transformation law is given by (1.32) as
g kl = u i
u k u j
u l g ij .
Replacing the index j by k in both of the relations (1.12), and i by j in the second,
du i
ik du k , du k
= g kj du j
= g
du i
ik du k
g kj du j
= g
= g
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