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In this case, the regression equation is:
y i = 17.72 + 3.25 x i + ε i
It is quite common for data to be captured inside a data frame, in which case you want
to perform a regression between two data frame columns. Here, x and y are columns
of a data frame dfrm :
> dfrm
x y
1 0.04781401 5.406651
2 1.90857986 19.941568
3 2.79987246 23.922613
4 4.46755305 32.432904
5 3.76490363 44.259268
6 5.92364632 61.151480
7 8.04611587 26.305505
8 7.11097986 43.606087
9 9.73645966 58.262112
10 9.19324543 57.631029
. (etc.)
The lm function lets you specify a data frame by using the data parameter. If you do,
the function will take the variables from the data frame and not from your workspace:
> lm(y ~ x, data=dfrm) # Take x and y from dfrm
lm(formula = y ~ x, data = dfrm)
(Intercept) x
17.72 3.25
1.21 Performing Multiple Linear Regression
You have several predictor variables (e.g., u , v , and w ) and a response variable ( y ). You
believe there is a linear relationship between the predictors and the response, and you
want to perform a linear regression on the data.
Use the lm function. Specify the multiple predictors on the righthand side of the for-
mula, separated by plus signs ( + ):
> lm(y ~ u + v + w)
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