Databases Reference
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if (user.IsInRole(“Customer”))
if (this.EntityType == typeof(Customer))
query = query.Cast<Customer>()
.Where(customer => customer.EmailAddress == user.Identity.Name);
else if (this.EntityType == typeof(Order))
query = query.Cast<Order>()
.Where(order => order.Customer.EmailAddress == user.Identity.Name);
return query;
Similar to how the AuthorizationAttribute simplified implementation of the CanRead ,
CanInsert , CanUpdate , and CanDelete methods, the CustomQueryAttribute made
the GetQueryable implementation shorter by pushing the entity-specific logic out of the
UnleashedMetaTable class, with similar trade-offs between encapsulation of security
logic and entity logic.
Extending ObjectContext to Enforce Row-Level Security
Implementing row-level security in the ObjectContext presents the same challenge as the
authorization of the Read operations—there are multiple ways to query a particular table,
and the Entity Framework does not offer the extensibility points to intercept them all at
this time. However, you can implement limited support for row-level security by modifying
the LINQ queries generated by the strongly typed object sets. Here is how to modify
implementation of the Customers object set property in the NorthwindEntities class:
public IObjectSet <Customer> Customers
Authorize(typeof(Customer), Actions.Read);
if (_Customers == null)
var original = base.CreateObjectSet<Customer>(“Customers”)
_Customers = new FilteredObjectSet<Customer>(original);
return _Customers;
private IObjectSet <Customer> _Customers;
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