Databases Reference
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return authorizationAttribute == null
| | authorizationAttribute. IsAuthorized (user, action);
In any performance-critical method, such as IsAuthorized , it is important to minimize
the amount of reflection-based code executed repeatedly. This code relies on the
TypeDescriptor API to locate the AuthorizationAttribute and, to minimize the perfor-
mance impact, caches the search results in the static authorizationAttributes dictionary.
When the AuthorizationAttribute for a given entity type has been located, next time it
is retrieved from the dictionary, resulting in a much faster execution.
The IsAuthorized method can be executed by several different threads simultaneously,
especially in a web application, and has to be thread-safe. To implement thread-safe caching,
this code uses the ConcurrentDictionary type from the System.Collections.Concurrent
namespace, which offers a specialized method GetOrAdd for safely retrieving an existing
value from the dictionary or adding it if it does not exist. As its second parameter, this
method takes a function that is executed if the dictionary does not contain a value for the
given key; the value it returns is stored in the dictionary and returned to the caller of the
GetOrAdd method. It is this anonymous function (this example uses the shorter lambda
syntax to define it) where the code calls the TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes method to find
the AuthorizationAttribute .
Extending ObjectContext to Enforce Read Permission
The SaveChanges method of the ObjectContext allows you to enforce only the Insert,
Update, and Delete permissions. Because this method does not have to be called by code
retrieving entities from the database, you cannot enforce the Read permission here. It is
actually quite challenging to authorize the Read actions properly because there are so
many different ways of reading the entity information. First, there is the straightforward
access through the ObjectSet properties, which can be illustrated with code like this:
using (var context = new NorthwindEntities())
var supplierInformation = context.Suppliers;
You can implement Read authorization for the Suppliers object set by changing imple -
mentation of its property. Here is the default implementation of the Suppliers property
in the NorthwindEntities class generated by the built-in Entity Framework code genera-
tor, which was modified to call the Authorize method of the UnleashedObjectContext
base class:
public ObjectSet<Supplier> Suppliers
Authorize(typeof(Supplier), Actions.Read);
if (_Suppliers == null)
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