Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see, the UnleashedModelProvider constructor receives the original
DataModelProvider as a parameter. It takes the original Tables collection and creates a
new UnleashedTableProvider object for each TableProvider in it. This collection of
TableProvider decorators is stored in the private field called tables and returned by the
overridden Tables property.
Replacing the Built-in DataModelProvider
Now that the UnleashedModelProvider that supports custom properties has been imple-
mented, all that's left to do is replace the built-in DataModelProvider Dynamic Data
creates by default.
Unfortunately, the built-in providers are internal to the System.Web.DynamicData assembly
and cannot be instantiated directly. However, the MetaTable class defines a property called
Provider , which returns the built-in TableProvider and, through its DataModel property,
allows you to get a hold of the original DataModelProvider . The following code snippet
illustrates how this can be done:
var model = new MetaModel(false);
DataModelProvider provider = model.Tables[0].Provider.DataModel;
Notice that this code creates a new MetaModel instance with false as the registerGlobally
argument. Because you only need the original model provider, you don't want the next call
to the RegisterContext method to register the NorthwindEntities class in the global list of
models used by Dynamic Data and causing an exception when you try to register it again
with your custom model provider. Having a temporary MetaModel instance with the
NorthwindEntities context registered, you can extract the original model provider from
the first MetaTable object in it.
Using the original provider object, you can create a new UnleashedModelProvider object
and register it globally and place this code directly in the Global.asax , next to the model
registration code. However, it definitely feels like a hack, and because the UnleashedModel
already extends the built-in MetaModel class, this workaround can be hidden inside of it,
keeping the application code clean.
Listing 13.9 shows the source code of the UnleashedMetaModel class with a redefined
RegisterContext method. Just like the built-in version, it takes Type and
ContextConfiguration objects as parameters. However, instead of registering the context
directly, it creates a temporary MetaModel to obtain the original model provided and regis-
ters the context with the UnleashedModelProvider .
LISTING 13.9 UnleashedMetaModel Implementation with RegisterContext Method
using System;
using System.Web.DynamicData;
using System.Web.DynamicData.ModelProviders;
namespace Unleashed.DynamicData
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