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LISTING 13.1 Continued
while (currentType != null)
yield return currentType.FullName;
yield return currentType.Name;
if (currentType == typeof(int))
yield return “Integer”;
if (currentType == typeof(string))
yield return “Text”;
if (!FallbackTypes.TryGetValue(currentType, out currentType))
The GetFilterCandidates method mimics the algorithm implemented by the built-in
FieldTemplateFactory for field templates. It first returns the UI hint specified in page
markup, then the UI hint specified in FilterUIHintAttribute that might be applied to
the property in the entity model, and the type name specified in the DataTypeAttribute .
If a matching template has not been found, the GetFilterCandidates method begins a
fallback loop, where it tries the full name of the property type (such as System.Int32 ), its
short name (such as Int32 ), and alias (such as Integer, if any) and continues the process
with the next type.
The fallback rules are defined in a static dictionary called FallbackTypes declared in the
beginning of the class. Looking at the initialization code, you can tell that for a property
of type Int16 ( short in C#), the fallback type is Int32 ( int in C#), and for Int32 , the fall-
back type is String . Take the UnitsInStock property of the Product entity as an example.
This property is of type Int16 and, in absence of the FilterUIHintAttribute and
DataTypeAttribute , the UnleashedFilterFactory tries the sequence of filter template
names shown in Table 13.1 until it finds a matching file in the Filters directory.
TABLE 13.1 Example of Filter Template Lookup for Int16 Column
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
The diagram in Figure 13.2 summarizes the filter lookup algorithm implemented by the
UnleashedFilterFactory . Similar to the lookup rules for field templates discussed in
Chapter 3, this algorithm assumes that all primitive data types have corresponding filter
templates. The Text filter template created in Chapter 5, “Filter Templates,” is similar to
the Text field template in how it can handle all of the primitive data types; however,
that limits it to performing only a simple equality check, leaving out other, more useful
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