Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, you saw some of the techniques for building custom pages that display
information in tabular format and allow users to search for information by filtering and
sorting the data. You reviewed some of the limitations of the built-in templates and
controls that Dynamic Data provides out of the box and focused on the commonly
requested need to display read-only information from several related tables on a single
page. Unlike displaying data from a single entity, which Dynamic Data does very well, this
type of functionality is not provided out of the box but not difficult to implement.
The UnleashedFilter control created in this chapter along with the
UnleashedFilterTemplate base class for filter templates and the supporting
UnleashedFilterExpression eliminates the limitations unnecessarily imposed by the
built-in DynamicFilter control in version 4.0 of ASP.NET. In particular, by avoiding the
Page events, the UnleashedFilter allows you to create advanced filter templates that use
nested filter controls to generate powerful queries that span multiple related entities.
Similar to the DynamicControl , the UnleashedFilter also accepts custom attributes and
automatically initializes the matching public properties of the filter template it creates.
Consistently with the extended functionality of the UnleashedControl created earlier in
this topic, the UnleashedFilter also recognizes control parameters specified in the
FilterUIHintAttribute that might be applied to the property in the entity model and
uses them to initialize the matching public properties of the filter template as well.
To enable building pages that display and allow filtering by properties from multiple
related entities, a field template and a filter template (both called Parent) were created.
Both templates are designed for use with foreign key navigation properties, like the
Supplier property of the Product entity. In custom pages, you can use these templates
explicitly by setting the UIHint or FilterUIHint properties of the UnleashedControl or
the UnleashedFilter controls, respectively. Both templates define a property called
DisplayField , which specifies the name of the property in the parent entity that you
want to display on the page and, in the case of the Parent filter template, allow users to
filter by.
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