Databases Reference
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called, “Join” in this example. The typeArguments is an array of the type arguments that
will be used by the .NET runtime to create a specific implementation of the generic Join
method. The arguments parameter is an array of Expression objects that represent the
arguments that will be passed to the method. With the selectors built earlier, here is how
the Join LINQ expression can be created in code:
MethodCallExpression joinCall = Expression.Call(
new Type[] {
new Expression[] {
productKeySelector ,
supplierKeySelector ,
It is easy to confuse typeArguments with arguments . With the dozen or so different
overloads that the Expression.Call method defines, this results in compiler errors
that make very little sense and do not help to understand the problem. When working
with MethodCallExpression objects, remember that in a generic method call, the
typeArguments are the things that go between < > , and arguments are the things that
go between ( ) .
The final step in constructing a LINQ query with expression objects is to convert the LINQ
expression to an IQueryable object and replace the original query. Here is how this can be
done in the example with products and suppliers:
IQueryProvider queryProvider = productQuery.Provider;
productQuery = queryProvider.CreateQuery( joinCall );
Here you use the IQueryProvider object returned by the Provider property of the original
product query. The IQueryProvider interface defines a CreateQuery method that takes a
lambda expression object as a parameter and returns an IQueryable object that represents
the new query. By passing a MethodCallExpression to the CreateQuery method of the
query provider, you create a new IQueryable (that is, a new LINQ query) that returns
results of a join between Product and Supplier queries.
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