Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
control relies on the built-in LINQ operators Skip and Take . The Entity Framework imple-
mentation of LINQ requires these operators to be preceeded by an OrderBy and, normally,
the EntityDataSource is responsible for generating it. However, it does not automatically
generate the OrderBy operator when the query has been modified by a QueryExtender ,
which causes a runtime error. The DataSourceSelecting method in the filter template
supplies a default sort expression to the EntityDataSource control unless it was already
supplied by a GridView control in response to a user clicking one of the column headers.
Implementing Query Logic
As you might recall from a discussion in Chapter 5, query logic is implemented by over-
riding the GetQueryable method inherited from the QueryableFilterUserControl base
class. This method receives an IQueryable object as a parameter, modifies the query based
on the control or controls it displays, and returns the modified query. The built-in filter
templates that come with Dynamic Data implement query logic by creating lambda
expressions dynamically, using LINQ Expression objects. This task can be significantly
simplified with Dynamic LINQ, a sample project that comes with Visual Studio and allows
manipulating LINQ expressions as simple strings instead of objects. Unfortunately, as you
see shortly, Dynamic LINQ cannot help implementing complex logic the Parent filter
template requires, and you have to resort to the low-level LINQ Expression manipulation.
This section walks you through implementation of a specific filter template. However, the
general approach of starting with the high-level LINQ query and progressively digging
down to deeper levels works well for developing any custom filter template in general.
Although you can simply get the Parent control from the topic's source code, reading this
section will help you learn how to build your own advanced filter templates that require
using low-level LINQ expressions.
LINQ Expression Mechanics
Before you jump into the implementation details of query logic for an advanced filter
template, like Parent, first figure out how you would implement it without the dynamic
filters. Here is a LINQ query you could have written to retrieve all products imported from
the UK:
using (var context = new NorthwindEntities())
IQueryable<Product> query =
from p in context.Products
where p.Supplier.Country == “UK”
select p;
// ...
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